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Plasma and Mesotherapy
Plasma and Mesotherapy
Plasmage is a non-surgical technique for repair and restoration of fine wrinkles and eyelids. A local anesthetic is given during the half an hour procedure that tightens the eyelids without surgery and helps get rid of scars and moles.

J Plasma

Provides the latest, most effective solutions and ensures a real lasting improvement of skin tightening. J Plasma is the ultimate procedure to improve skin elasticity and get rid of proplems suffered for years such as skin tightening after liposuction operations using old devices, repeated births or

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An advanced body sculpting technique that removes the stored body fat to creat a sculptured, defined and athletic appearance. The VASERlipo system uses minimally invasive ultrasound technology for precision body contouring and smoothed skin. It can produce eye catching results in just one procedure,

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